Thursday, December 27, 2012

Little Things

I drive 41 miles, one way, to work.  I suffer from road rage.  Except, I'm not a screaming, pull-my-hair-out kind of rager.

I'm like a CEO of the freeway.

Someone is in the passing lane driving 10 mph under the speed limit?  I kindly come up behind them and say, "I don't understand what you are doing.  Move your ass."  If that does not deter them, I turn my lights on and scoot into the shoulder, just a smidge, as to show them they have a headlight on their tail.  If they continue along the same pattern, I will switch lanes, get next to them and just look.  That's it.  Just looking at someone like they have the IQ of a sedimentary rock does much more mental damage then flipping them off and yelling obscenities.

Happy Thursday morning.

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